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Monk/Sura Leveling Guide In Renewal.
Ragnarok Online Renewal Newbie FAQ & Solo Leveling Guide
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After many patches away, I finally started to research and play again. As a warning, Lightning Ride IS NO LONGER VIABLE. I suggest using SkyBlow or T
RoCards - dein deutsches Ragnarok Portal! Hier gibs Datenbanken und eine freundliche Communtiy zu RagnarökOnline!
Archer Job Quest & Guide - Ragnarok.
Ragnarok Online Renewal Newbie FAQ & Solo.
Hey all I have just recently Transcended my Assassin and had to go through the hassle of finding new places and monsters to level on. As before it was pre renewal and
This is a Archer Job Quest Guide of Ragnarok Online. You simply have to start the quest at Payon Archer Village by talking to the Archer Guildsman and she will tell Ragnarok Archer Leveling Guide
Archer Quest World Search RO renewal monster by name id, element, race, size, level, flee, hit, mode, job expereince and base experience. Show RO monsters and their location, respawn
Thief Leveling Guide for Renewal. .